We were born to work together.

One academy, one wonderful team

The Steinbeis Transfer-Institutes run by the academy cover five areas of competence: management, personal development, education management, public health service, ad technology. They lie at the core of the academy and make it possible for all of the processes that underpin our comprehensive offering to run smoothly.

Akademie der Energiewirtschaft

Field of competence: Technology, Management
Description: Training programs for managers and next-generation management based on the Steinbeis project competence degree

Akademie für Mediation, Soziales und Recht

Field of competence: Management, Personal development, Public health service
Description: We specialize in conflict management, mediation & communication. Since 2004, more than 1,000 mediators have been trained. Research & consulting in the field of conflict management complete the profile.

Beratung, Training, Coaching

Field of competence: Education management, Personal development, Management
Description: Professional systemic training in the areas of coaching, training & consulting. Our training courses are practice-oriented premium training courses with high quality standards.

Crime, Investigation and Compliance

Field of competence: Management, Technology, Personal development
Description: ... deal with the topics of white-collar crime, compliance and criminalistics. This makes us an excellent companion for all investigators, non-compliance hunters and people who want to know.

Führungspsychologie, Personal-und Organisationsentwicklung

Description: Understand people and lead organizations well with those affected to adapt to the requirements. Control confidently with sound psychological and business knowledge.

Institut Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft

Field of competence: Technology
Description: We qualify experts for the certification of sustainable buildings and certify public constructions with the Seal of approval of the Federal Government. We keep an eye on the future!

Institut für angewandte europäische Gesundheits- und Erziehungswissenschaften

Description: Early childhood education as well as health and care services are growth sectors in our today‘s society. Therefor we offer further training and also develop customized training programs.

Institut International Business and Risk Management

Field of competence: Management
Description: We develop solutions for the entire spectrum of risk management. From qualification programs to cooperation projects and management consulting, we will are gladly available to you!

Institut Marburg

Field of competence: Education management, Public health service
Description: With our degree programs and vocational training focusing on the academization of health and social work, we enable and encourage our students to take the future of care and social work into their own hands.

Institute for Digital Learning & Leadership

Field of competence: Education management, Management, Technology
Description: Digital & agile transformation: concepts, methods & tools focus on results and, therefore, directly link the development of managers, teams and organizations with their performance in work processes.

Institute of Sustainable Leadership

Field of competence: Management, Personal development, Education management
Description: The focus of the institute is future-oriented leadership, which deals with specialist topics such as Finance, software / IT and engineering, sales, general management, coaching is supplemented.

Intercultural Academy

Field of competence: Personal development

IOM | Institut für Organisation & Management

Field of competence: Management
Description: Learn part-time organization, HR & leadership. Test knowledge and enrich practice. Maintain exchange and network. For all of this stands the IOM | Institute for Organization & Management.

kompetenz institut unisono

Field of competence: Personal development, Management, Technology, Public health service
Description: We offer individual solutions and concrete support for the potential development of people and organizations in the areas of "companies and skills" and "people and skills".

Medical Education for Health and Nutrition - MEHN

Description: Development of innovative educational offers in the field of telemedicine. One focus is on doctor-patient communication, supplemented by offers from the subject of exercise-prevention-nutrition.

Medientraining und öffentliche Kommunikation

Field of competence: Personal development, Education management, Management
Description: The institute is aimed at professional communicators, spokespersons and managers who want to improve their communication skills. We offer online and face-to-face workshops as well as certificate courses.

Steinbeis Academy for Advanced Technology Training & Entreprenuership India

Field of competence: Management, Technology
Description: Evolving the German Dual System of Education, Steinbeis Academy design and deliver training programs in India and Germany for Indian students and professionals.

Steinbeis Consulting Center Intercultural Academy

Field of competence: Personal development
Description: The courses “international change manager” and “coach for business and leadership” with a certificate from the Steinbeis + Academy deal with typical challenges of specialists and managers.