Power lies in quality.

Always one step further, always better. Continuous quality assurance and improvement

The Steinbeis+Akademie sees quality as a central responsibility it holds toward course participants, employees, and members of the public.

Quality assurance is a coordinated function performed through Steinbeis+Akademie headquarters. All processes are documented by the quality assurance department, checked for technical content, and controlled.

Sharing know-how is an indispensable ingredient of quality assurance. As a result, it goes without saying that we involve external experts in enhancing the quality of research and teaching at the Steinbeis+Akademie. This involvement maked it possible to engage in continual scientific discourse on the ongoing development of project competence training programs. 

The Steinbeis+Akademie quality circle

Quality is a key priority the moment we start planning every new project competence program. Once the market and experts have been analyzed, each training module is planned and designed with the support of specialists from business and science. Concepts also undergo final checks of the Steinbeis+Akademie's quality committee before undergoing a sequence of approvals.

Once a course is approved, it then advances into implementation. At each stage, training is subjected to continual evaluations completed by the course participants, lecturers, institute management, and management at the Steinbeis+Akademie. The results of evaluations are channeled back into a list of new measures, which are subsequently implemented – thus completing the circle of continuous improvement.

Circle of Quality | © Steinbeis+Akademie 2018

Circle of Quality
© Steinbeis+Akademie 2018

Step 1: Development of the underlying concept for the certification examincation rules

The Steinbeis Transfer Institute responsible for running courses proposes a concept for course content with the involvement of customers.


Step 2: Analysis

The Academy checks the proposed course content for formal requirements. The committee also assesses the courses in terms of strategic factors and the curriculum.


Step 3: Implementation

The course is introduced. This involves marketing and running the course.


Step 4: Evaluation

The course is evaluated by participants, lecturers, and customers. These evaluations are underpinned by annual internal audits. 


Step 5: Adaptation

Any corrective measures identified under Step 4 are integrated into the ongoing program. More fundamental improvements are initiated after course completion by defining and implementing required measures. The last step of the quality circle results in a continuous improvement process and optimizations to the course content.

Transparency from the very beginning

On starting a course, participants are provided with information on training modules, exams, and any statutory factors affecting their studies. This information is communicated through a specific in-house information system.


Systematic evaluation

Courses are regularly assessed by external parties. They are also evaluated by university staff.  The results of all evaluations are then analyzed so that they can flow into continuous improvements and the planning processes of training courses.


Evaluation by participants

All courses are continually evaluated. Course participants complete a short questionnaire after each training session on both the quality of lecturing and how well the course was organized.